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Aargauische Gebäudeversicherung (Aarau, Switzerland)

AB Industrivärden (Stockholm, Sweden)

ACG Automation Consulting Group GmbH (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

Aegerter & Bosshardt AG (Basel, Switzerland)

Aids Hilfe Schweiz (Zürich, Switzerland)

Air Force Headquarters (Washington, DC, USA)

Ålands Ömsesidiga Försäkringsbolag (Sweden)

Ash Creek Enterprises (Bridgeport, CT, USA)

AT&T Communication (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

Avid Technology GmbH (Hallbergmoos, Germany)

AXIANS NK Networks & Services GmbH (Köln, Germany)

Axon Lab (Baden, Switzerland)

Axpo Informatik (Baden, Switzerland)

Bachofen AG (Uster, Switzerland)

BAKOM (Biel, Switzerland) Swiss Federal Office of Communications

Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma (Oklahoma City, OK, USA)

Baptist Healthcare System (Louiseville, KY, USA)

Bau- Verkehrs- u. Energiedirektion des Kt. Bern (Bern, Switzerland)

BH Management Services (Dallas, TX, USA)

Bibus AG (Wallisellen, Switzerland)

Bio Suisse (Basel, Switzerland)

BioProcess Technology Consultants (Acton, MA, USA)

Bixi Systems AG (Mels, Switzerland)

BKW (Bern, Switzerland)

BMW Deutschland (Germany)

Bosch Rexroth (Warsaw, Poland)

Boston Private Bank & Trust (Boston, MA, USA)

Brauerei Eichhof (Luzern, Switzerland)

BTJ (Lund, Sweden)

Builder Software Solutions (Las Vegas, NV, USA)

Bundesamt für Energie (Bern, Switzerland) Swiss Federal Office of Energy

Bundesamt für Strassen (Switzerland) Swiss Federal Roads Office

CAAP Corporate Aviation & Planning, Inc. (Grapevine, TX, USA)

Canalplast (Limbiate, Milano, Italy)

Canon Gesellschaft M.B.H. Austria (Vienna, Austria)

Capital Cooling (Broxburn, UK)

Carl Zeiss Innovationszentrum für Messtechnik GmbH (Dresden, Germany)

CDS Office Technology (Springfield, IL, USA)

Cham Paper Group (Cham, Switzerland)

Chief of Naval Education and Training (CNET) (Pensacola FL, USA)

Ciments Vigier SA (Péry, Switzerland)

Cisel Informatique (Matran, Switzerland)

City of Hawthorne, Commerce (CA, USA)

City of Winterthur (Winterthur, Switzerland)

Confiseur Laederach AG (Ennenda, Switzerland)

Coop de France (Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, Lyon, France)

DBNTM, Santa Barbara (CA, USA)

Defense Information Systems Agency (Falls Church, VA, USA)

DEKOM Video Security & Network GmbH (Hamburg, Germany)

Dell Computer Ireland (Wicklow, Ireland)

DGM (Berlin, Germany)

Digital Control Systems (Plains, PA ,USA)

DNV B.V. (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

DNV Germany GmbH (Essen, Germany)

Donau Chemie (Vienna, Austria)

DPS Softwarelösungen für Entwicklung und Fertigung GmbH (Leinfelden, Germany)

Druschke GmbH (Gelnhausen-Meerholz, Germany)

Editions Atlas (Cheseaux, Switzerland)

Edmonton Exchanger (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

EFTA Surveillance Authority (Brussels, Belgium)

Electrosuisse (Fehraltorf, Switzerland)

Elektro Stählin AG (Zürich, Switzerland)

Elektrotechnik AG EAGB (Basel, Switzerland)

Equipment Leasing Association (Arlington, VA, USA)

ERMEWA SAS (Levallois-Perret, France)

Ertico SC (Brussels, Belgium)

ETHZ Schulleitung (Zürich, Switzerland)

europa 3000 (Niedergösgen, Switzerland)

ewp AG Effretikon (Effretikon, Switzerland)

Finance dept. of the canton of Aargau (Aarau, Switzerland)

FinITia AG (Bern, Switzerland)

Fixit AG (Holderbank, Switzerland)

Flanders Expo nv (Gent, Belgium)

Foster and Partners (London, UK)

Fritz Schur Teknik (Roskilde, Denmark)

Frox Communication (Hombrechtikon, Switzerland)

GAB Gesellschaft zur Anwendungsberatung (Plattling, Germany)

General Mills Inc. (Golden Valley, MN, USA)

Gerling Gruppe-Versicherungs AG (Zürich, Switzerland)

Gerling Konzern Belgique (Brussels, Belgium)

GFO Unternehmensberatung (Zürich, Switzerland)

Glas Trösch Holding AG (Bützberg, Switzerland)

Glesbygdsverket (Ostersund, Sweden)

Global Technology Resources Inc. (Denver, CO, USA)

Gossweiler Ingenieure AG (Dübendorf, Switzerland)

Groupe E (Granges-Paccot, Switzerland)

GWJ Architektur (Bern, Switzerland)

Hadley Products (Grandville, MI, USA)

Hawa AG (Mettmenstetten, Switzerland)

Homag (Schweiz) AG, Bachenbülach (Switzerland)

Huber + Monsch AG (St. Gallen, Switzerland)

Hyperwave Information Management (Westford, MA, USA)

IFA Institut für Arbeitsmedizin (Baden, Switzerland)

Imagine Communications (Plano, TX, USA)

Ingram Macrotron AG (Hüneberg, Switzerland)

INGTES (Aarau, Switzerland)

ISC EJPD (Bern, Switzerland) Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police

ISMP Institut for Safe Medication Practices (Huntingdon Valley, PA, USA)

ISOutsource Inc (Seattle, WA, USA)

Itten+Brechbühl AG (Bern, Switzerland)

Jean Frei Revisions- und Treuhand AG (Zürich, Switzerland)

JESNA (New York, NY, USA)

Jet Aviation (Geneva, Switzerland)

JT International SA (Geneva, Switzerland)

Jyske Bank (Zürich, Switzerland)

Kantonspolizei St. Gallen (St. Gallen, Switzerland)

Kantonsspital Baden (Baden, Switzerland)

Kensington Swan (Auckland, Australia)

KRZ Kommunales Rechenzentrum (Lemgo, Germany)

L&G Engineering (Mercedes, TX, USA)

L+T Swiss Federal Office of Topography (Wabern, Switzerland)

Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Frankfurt, Germany)

LATI – Federazione ticinese produttori latte (San Antonino, Switzerland)

LGT Treuhand AG (Vaduz, Liechtenstein)

LM Consultants, Inc. (Vernon Hills, IL, USA)

M+R Spedag (Muttenz, Switzerland)

Martin Williams (Minneapolis, MN, USA)

Mathys & Scheitlin AG (Schlieren, Switzerland)

Maxon Motor (Sachseln, Switzerland)

Messner KG (Stainz, Austria)

Monterey Peninsula College (Monterey, CA, USA)

NBG Finance BV (Valkenswaard, Netherlands)

Netmind Services (Barcelona, Spain)

Neue Zürcher Zeitung AG (Zürich, Switzerland)

Niederer Kraft & Frey AG (Zürich, Switzerland)

Oerlikon Geartec AG (Zürich, Switzerland)

PanAgora Asset Management (Boston, MA, USA)

Parlamentsdienste (Bern, Switzerland) Swiss Parliamentary Services

Peterson Air Force Base (Colorado Springs, CO, USA)

Petrinovich Pugh & Company (San Jose, CA, USA)

PIMCO Investments (Santa Ana, CA, USA)

Pixy AG (Baden, Switzerland)

PMA AG (Uster, Switzerland)

PMI AG (Aarau, Switzerland)

Poggenpohl Group (Schweiz) AG (Littau, Switzerland)

Police Haaglanden (Den Haag, Netherlands)

Port of Portland, Portland (OR, USA)

Postec, Greenville (SC, USA)

Powder River Energy Corp (Sundance, WY, USA)

PowerSeller Solutions LLC (Middleburg Heights, OH, USA)

Prime IST (Germany)

Pro Senectute Aargau (Aarau, Switzerland)

Pronic SAS (Thyez, France)

R.L.Deppmann (Southfield, MI, USA)

Rektorenkonferenz der Schweizer Universitäten (Bern, Switzerland)

Ricola AG (Laufen, Switzerland)

Rijkswaterstaat (Utrecht, Netherlands)

Roche Diagnostics (Switzerland) AG (Rotkreuz, Switzerland)

Roche Diagnostics Belgium (Amere, Belgium)

Roche Diagnostics Nederland BV (Almere, Netherlands)

Romaco UK (Cambridgeshire, UK)

Romande Energie (Morges, Switzerland)

SAKK (Bern, Switzerland)

Sanitas Krankenversicherung (Zürich, Switzerland)

Sensirion (Staefa, Switzerland)

Setz Gütertransport AG (Dintikon, Switzerland)

Shawmut Design & Construction (Boston, MA, USA)

Shriners Hospitals (Spokane, WA, USA)

Siemens Building Technologies (Steinhausen, Switzerland)

Sigrist-Photometer (Ennetbürgen, Switzerland)

SIS Segaintersettle AG (Zürich, Switzerland)

Søren Jensen Rådgivende Ingeniørfirma AS (Aarhus, Danmark)

Specogna (Kloten, Switzerland)

Statkraft SF (Hovik, Norway)

Studi Associati SA (Lugano, Switzerland)

Supralon International AG (Schaan, Switzerland)

SVA Sozialversicherung Aargau (Aarau, Switzerland)

Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (Bern, Switzerland)

Swisscom AG (Bern, Switzerland)

Swissray Medical (Hochdorf, Switzerland)

Synthes (Solothurn, Switzerland)

TDM Systems GmbH (Tübingen, Germany)

Tebis AG, Graefelfing (Germany)

TectonArchitects (Hartford, CT, USA)

The Beattie Partnership (Manchester, UK)

The Conair Group (Franklin, PA, USA)

Tonazzi dot net (Merenschwand, Switzerland)

Tornos S.A. (Moutier, Switzerland)

Unifocus (Carrollton TX, USA)

Unisys (Schweiz) AG (Thalwil, Switzerland)

UPK Psychiatrische Uniklinik Basel (Basel, Switzerland)

VAT Vakuumventile AG (Haag, Switzerland)

Village of Oak Park (Oak Park, IL, USA)

Viseca Card Services SA (Glattbrugg, Switzerland)

Visionael Inc. (Palo Alto, CA, USA)

VSO Nederland (Utrecht, Netherlands)

WABCO (Claye-Souilly, Cedex, France)

Walder Wyss & Partner (Zürich, Switzerland)

WEB100T (France)

WMM Walter Meier Management (Schwerzenbach, Switzerland)

Woonstichting De Key (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Word-Tech (Mission, KS, USA)

Würth Finance International B.V. (Zürich, Switzerland)