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We are moving to Office / Microsoft 365 (completely). What needs to be done to an existing installation of AgendaX V6?

You will need to uninstall MAPI/CDO (Exchange Server MAPI, if installed) and install an Outlook 32bit client on the AgendaX server (Outlook 2016 or later). Also, the AgendaX mailbox needs to be migrated to Microsoft 365 first, before you start migrating user mailboxes.


  • Log in on the AgendaX Server with the AgendaX user. This is VERY important because Outlook profiles are user specific.
  • Set the appropriate registry flags for the Outlook version used and AgentX.ini settings (pages 5/6 in the Installation Guide)
  • Then, create the Outlook profile and make sure that Exchange Cache mode is disabled in the Outlook profile. Enter the Outlook profile name (either in AgendaX Setup if you are setting up a new instance of AgendaX or in AgendaXCfg.exe if AgendaX is already installed under MSX Version / Outlook MAPI Client / Outlook Profile Name). The Standard- Name for the first Outlook- Profile that is configured is ‘Outlook’.
  • Start Outlook with that profile and make sure that the profile works. When you are prompted for a password, make sure to check the ‘Remember password’ checkbox.
  • Finally, close Outlook and restart the AgendaX Update Service

The permissions on Office / Microsoft 365 have to be set a bit differently than in an On Site Exchange environment. On Microsoft 365, you will have to set permissions on folder level:

Please give the AgendaX user Reviewer rights on the top of the mailbox and Editor rights on the Calendar folders.

The following powershell scripts (or similar) might be helpful for doing this for all or a subset of mailboxes:

foreach ($Mailbox in (Get-EXOMailbox -OrganizationalUnit abc -ResultSize Unlimited))
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -identity "$($Mailbox.Name)" -AccessRights Reviewer -User agendax
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -identity "$($Mailbox.Name):\Calendar" -AccessRights Editor -User agendax

"-OrganizationalUnit abc" limits the users to a specific OU (here "abc"). This can be omitted if you would like
to grant the permissions on every account in your organization.

If, instead, you would like to limit the users to users that have a specific SMTP- address, you can use the
following script:

foreach ($Mailbox in (Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | where-Object {($_.PrimarySMTPAddress -like "*")}))
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -identity "$($Mailbox.Name)" -AccessRights Reviewer -User agendax
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -identity "$($Mailbox.Name):\Calendar" -AccessRights Editor -User agendax

Or, if you would like to limit the users to members of a specific distribution list, you can use the following:

foreach ($Mailbox in (Get-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "NameOfDistributionList" -ResultSize Unlimited))
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -identity "$($Mailbox.Name)" -AccessRights Reviewer -User agendax
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -identity "$($Mailbox.Name):\Calendar" -AccessRights Editor -User agendax
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